28 Makeup Tools Names and Their Uses (2025)

To complete makeup, many tools and accessories are needed. There are many types of makeup tools for beginners and veterans to opt for. So this articlelists basic makeup tools names, accessories and their usages to help you have a better understanding if you want to get some information about them.

  1. Makeup Brushes Types and Their Uses
  2. Brush Cleaners
  3. Powder Puffs Types and Uses
  4. Palette Set with Spatula and Their Usages
  5. Eyelash Curlers Types and Uses
  6. Cotton Pads and Usages
  7. Swab Rods and Usages
  8. Tweezers and Uses
  9. Eyebrow Razors and Scissors
  10. Packing Accessories and Uses
  11. Sharpeners and Uses
  12. Mirrors

Click the tool names in this chart to check for more detailed tool use.

Tool Name

Function & Feature

Tool Name

Function & Feature

Powder Brushes

Distributepowdery products

Brush Cleaners

Wash brushes cleanly and conveniently

Foundation Brushes

Apply base foundations

PaletteSet with Spatula

Blend base products, find proper colors


Tab concealer products

Regular Eyelash Curlers

Common and useful

Stippling Brushes

Apply colored makeup evenly

Portable Eyelash Curlers

Plastic material, convenient

Fan Brushes

Multiple Functions

Mini Lash Curlers

Precise for both ends of eyes

Blush Brushes

Apply colored makeup evenly

Curlers for Lower Eyelashes

Special for lower eyelashes

Contour Brushes

Apply contour to the right position

Heated Lash Curlers

Curling effectively, higher price

Eye ShadowBrushes

Draw eye shadow makeup

Cotton pads

The basic skin care, makeup removal

Eye Brow Brushes and Mascara Wand

Draw eyebrows and brush eyelashes

Swab rods

Modify tiny parts

Lip Brushes

Draw lip lines and color covering evenly


Pick out eyebrows, pick false eyelashes

Regular Powder Puffs

Traditional and used widely

EyebrowRazors and Scissors

Trim eyebrows

Makeup Sponge Blenders

Soft and popular

Packing accessories

Packing cosmetics, skincare products

Cushion Powder Puffs

Save more cosmetics


Sharpen eyebrow pencils, lip pencils

Silicone Powder Puffs

Nonabsorbent and not cheap


Basic and important

1. Makeup Brushes Types and Their Uses

Makeup brushes are the main tools used for makeup. There are many different types of brushes in different usages. These makeup brush tools have respective names. Here mainly list 10types of makeup brushes used for different areas like face, eyes and lip areas, to help beginners know brushes better.

1.1 Powder Brushes

If you finish your base makeup, you need to set the whole makeup with a layer of loose powder to keep it staying intact through the day and make you in a more flawless look.

In this way, you can choose a powder brush thatis very large and fluffy, which has a dome shape sothat it candisperse the powder evenlyall around the face.

When you use the powder brush, you can lightly apply products like loose powder, for the brush is designed to distribute the powder product evenly on your face.

If you want to use a powder brush, the usage is to dip the brush into powder product (both pressed and loose powders), then move in circles and sweeping until covering your full face. It’s better to complete in the order from the middle of your face to your cheek, jaw, and forehead to ensure adequate application.

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1.2 Foundation Brushes

A perfect makeup order should base on an even foundation. You may find it difficult to apply liquid foundations without a practicable brush. A foundation brush is specifically used for applying makeup base.

There are different types of foundation brushes in different shapes, such as the ones that look like a paintbrush or toothbrush or having a flat top. These shapes are useful to apply a flawless foundation to your face.

A good foundation brush should have straight, flexible bristles, convenient for applying foundations. It’s essential when using this type of brush that you apply the foundation to your face to avoid obvious lines or marks.

When applying the foundationproduct, you should start bydotting thefoundationon your entire face area, and then use the brush to make it blend over your entire face.It’s essentialto wash your brushes regularly, especially foundationbrushes,to keepyour skin clean and healthy.

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1.3 ConcealerBrushes

After finishing the step offoundation, you can chooseconcealersto cover imperfections and brighten up sunken parts on yourface.

For covering these parts precisely, youcan use a small concealer brush. A concealer brush is similar to aminiversion of a foundation brush. Its shape looks like a paintbrush butit hasdenserbrushing.

When you use concealer brushes, you can follow such an order. First, you can apply alittlenumber of concealers toyourwanted area and then dab it slightly onto your skin until blendingwith your foundationcompletely. You can repeat this order to cover the desired imperfections, including acne marks and under-eye circles.

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1.4 Stippling Brushes

The fibers of astipplingbrushhavetwo disparatelengths. Mostof the brush is made of fiberand packed with longer fiberstightly thanthe rest part. Stippling brushes are very suitable for applying differentkindsof makeup. Bronze, highlights and blushescan be applied together with this type of brush.

Meanwhile, stippling brushes can also be used to applypowders, liquid foundationsor cream blush products. When you use it, put the product on the back of your hand,and dip the brush into the product evenly, then stippleitonto your faceslightly.

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1.5 Fan Brushes

This makeup tool’s name is from its shape. The shape of a fan brush is like a fan, and its functions are multiple. For instance, it can be used to brush your cream mask. Its brush is loose and dense, so proper for applying powdery products.

It can help these products with colors stippling on your face evenly, including bronzer, highlight, blush and eye shadow. This brush can be replaced by other brushes, so its use frequencyis low. However, if you just wantto buy one brush but functional, you can choose this one.

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1.6 Blush Brushes

Blush brushes are specifically used for applying blushes or some cosmetics for givingcolors to your face. A blush brush has a similarshapeto a powdered brush, while the former is generally a litter stubbier, as its coveragearea is smaller than the latter.

Using blush brushes can help to get a naturallook and reduce the error rate of giving colors when you want to use blushes. Ifyou don’t use the right brush when applying blush products, you may easily get makeup lookingquite cakey and unnatural.

1.7 Contour Brushes

A contour brush is about a similarsize to a blush brush, but its brushing is very denseand its shape is angled. This angled shape will help you apply the contour precisely. This brush can be used to apply not only powdery contour products but also cream contour products.

To use the contour brush, you can apply the contour to the sunken parts of your cheeks, and then stipple the product slightly into the skin, being careful to apply the product to the right or appropriate position on your face, or it would look very strange. The technique of this step can be used on any part of your face if you want your face to have natural and beautiful contour lines.

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1.8 Eye Shadow Brushes

Eye shadow brushes include angled eye shadow brush, eye shadow crease brush and eyeliner brush and so on. These brushes have different sizes and shapes, usually in a kit to work together with your eye shadow. If you want to draw good eye shadow makeup, it’s necessary to use these brushes together, because of their clear divisions of work.

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1.9 Eye Brow Brushes and Mascara Wand

These two brushes are not as important as other types of brushes, because some products would be equipped with them. Makeup specialists usually need these tools more; they are not necessary for beginners.

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1.10 Lip Brushes

Lip brushes help you apply your lipstick easier and have a better effect. There are two kinds of lip brushes-one is to draw the line of your lip, called lip liner brush; the other one is to precisely apply lipstick, gloss and other lip products, called lipstick brush.

Lip liner brushes, flat with a tapered top, help you finish your lip look better. It can draw the line of your lips precisely, make the lip colors smooth and even, and reshape your mouth in a good shape.Then using a lip brush to draw your lipstick will help the color covering your lip more uniformly and beautifully.

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Above all, when you choose brushes, you should consider real situations and purposes. Moreover, what should be distinguished is thatmaterials of brush bristles are various for userexperience.

At present, bristle materials on the market are mainly divided into animal wooland artificial fibers. The former does well in userexperience with high prices and maintenance costs, suitable for makeup professionals or people with enough budgets; the latter is more suitable for beginners becauseits price is fair, easy to get a start and maintain.

In recent years, brush bristles made of artificial fibers have better quality with improving cost performance, which ischosen by more and more people.

2. Brush Cleaners

Brush Cleaners mainly include cleaning agentsand cleaning sponges. Cleaning agents are usually liquid or solid, similar to cleanser essences and soaps to wash brushes with plastic cleaners.

When using this type of cleaning agent to wash brushes, you needtorinse them with plenty of water and then let them dry. After this process, you will get new brushes. This cleaning agent can be used for washing backstage blenders and powder puffs as well.

The cleaning sponge is more similar to “drycleaning”, and is only used for washing brushes. Its function is to make brusheschange colors immediately, especially eye shadow brushes, which is very convenient. However, it cannot clean brushes thoroughly, just make brushes temporary clean.

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3. Powder Puffs Types and Uses

Powder puffs are important for foundation make-up, collocated with most kinds of foundations. Some people are used to applying foundations like lotions with their hands, which makes their makeup faces plain and dirty. With the development of cosmetics and new products emerging in an endless stream, choosing the right product for yourself has become a trend. So traditional powder puffs have been derived and developed to match with differentproducts.

3.1 Regular Puffs

Regular powder puffs are made from sponge, foam or cotton materials. Their single shape in the past was round with a certain thickness.

Puffs made of cotton material usually have a fluffy texture, soft and comfortable, which are applied for dry and powdery cosmetics.

Sponge material puffs have unsmooth surfaces with many tiny pores, which can absorb water in wet use. It is more suitable for applying wet cosmetics, like foundations, concealers.

With the developmentlater, it has derived differentsizes and shapes. For example,makeup wedgespuffs are very popular. They have multiple dimensional sides in the triangle shape for you to use; they are not as big as traditional puffs, portable and convenient. Another benefit of it is cheaper thantraditionalones, so you can choose to use it on a one-timebasiswithout washing.

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3.2 Makeup Sponge Blenders

Makeup sponge blenders are popular mainstream products of powder puffs in recent years. Many people consider blenders are different from puffs, but actually, blenders are derivatives.

The common shape of the blender is similar to an egg with a pointed top. It is suitable for all kinds of cosmetics, like powder, foundations and so on. It is made from non-latex material with soft feeling, well elasticity and distinguishable colors. It gives you a perfect makeup application, avoiding waste of cosmetics, and you can opt for dry or wet dual-use. It turns bigger when fully wet, then you can tab it evenly to form gorgeous makeup.

To use in multiple angles, blenders have developed into many various shapes and sizes.

These blenders in different shapes and sizes can care for different areas and parts of your face. For example, small blenders can touch the corner on both sides of your nose. Gourd-shaped blenders can fit the curvature of your cheek; blenders with beveled shapescan tab foundations in a large area more evenly with average power.

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3.3 Cushion Powder Puffs

Cushion puffs, also called air puffs, are thinner than regular puffs. It is usually made with sponge and polyurethane, or rubber materials, so the surface is quite smooth almost no pores. It can help you save more cosmetics than sponge powder puffs.

Cushion puffs are always with a strip on one side to hold themmore conveniently. This puff comes up with cushion foundation products and starts a craze in the makeup area.

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3.4 Silicone Powder Puffs

Silicone powder puffs usually have flat, oval or teardrop shapes. They are not thick without water absorption; when you use themfor applying foundations, the product won’t be absorbed. This is an advantage of this type of puff. However, its density and structure made of the silicone material decide it not as soft as other puffs, so the touching to yourface is not very comfortable.

Itwas once quite popular when it first appeared in the makeup market. But the disadvantageof it is that its price is higher thanother similar products. People can find other products with higher cost performance to replace them. So it has been disappeared from the market.

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4. Palette Set with Spatula and Their Usages

Palette and spatula are usually in a set, which ismade from alloy metal material. Some palettes are made of plastic material, so they may be transparent.

The function of a palette set with a spatula is to blend differentcolors of liquid foundations or concealers to find thebest color for your skin tone, which is like the palette in painting.

Generally, makeup veterans and makeup specialists prefer this tool because they have higher requirements for the makeup effect. However, it is more time-consuming to use this tool, so it is not suitable for beginners or commuters.

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5. Eyelash Curlers Types and Uses

The function of eyelash curlers is to curl drooping eyelashes and make mascaraeasier and more convenient so that the effect of enlarging your eyes is better. There are several kinds of curlers of different features and effects.

5.1 Regular Eyelash Curlers

This type is the most common one, made from stainless steel or alloy metal materials and plastics. Its structure includes scissor-like handles, a clamp and a rubber strip. The rubber strip is inset in the middle part of the clamp. The clamp is usually curved which is close to your eyelid curve. To make it effective, you need to regularly change the rubber or plastic tips, which can get worn out.

Eyelash curlers of metal materials would be more effective with little power used, whichare also very durable and can last for years. Some curlers have combs to brush your eyelashes covered with mascara.

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5.2 Portable Eyelash Curlers

Portable eyelash curlers bear little difference in function from regular ones, but their advantage is light and portable. The main structure is similar to regular curlers, but the handles are not like scissors, replaced by a slice that can be flipped.

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This type is usually made of plastic materials, which is best for people who have sensitive eyes or have an adverse reaction to metals. But its effect maybe not as good as regular ones; it is more suitable for people with soft eyelashes or preferring natural curves. It is cheaper than metal curlers but worn out easier either.

5.3 Mini Lash Curlers

Mini lash curlers, also called precision or point curlers, are smaller than regular curlers which have a narrow flat clamp top. Instead of through the whole flat clamp, you can curl your eyelashes section by section more preciselyand effectively, especially on both ends of your eyes.

This type of curler is perfect for deep-set eyes that need a little more mobility, or for those people with smaller eyes that bigger and traditional curlers have never fitted right. This is theright choice for people who apply false eyelashes because there’s less risk of destroyingthe completed false eyelashes. It is very portable and convenient for going out on a trip as well.

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5.4 Curlers for Lower Eyelashes

This type is different from regular curlers. The clamp part is simplified withoutmuch hindrance, which is smaller than thatpart of a regular eyelash curler. It is suitable for long lower eyelashes but curled-up. Using it can make your lower eyelashes more visible.

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5.5 Heated Lash Curlers

Heated lash curlers have been more and more popular in recent years. In the past years, a thin wooden stick ran over an open lighter flame a few times to curl eyelash as a heated lash curler, though there still are some people choosingthis way now.

With technologicaldevelopment, heated lash curlers are opted for by the public. The feature of it is that heat helps eyelashes curl more easily, as well as keep them curled for longer like a curling iron does for your hair.It is very convenient and suitable for lazy people. However, it may be more expensive than regular eyelash curlers. It may be dangerous if not used properly.

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6. Cotton Pads and Usages

As a kind of makeup tool,cotton pads are used in the application and removal of makeup.Before makeup, you can use cotton pads applying products like toners, to make basic skincare. After makeup, they can remove impurities with makeup removers and keep your face moist. The feature of cotton pads is useful and cheap.

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7. Swab Rods and Uses

Swab rods have various functions in daily life and medical care. In addition, it offers many conveniencesin makeup, especially in details. For example, when you draw eye shadow or eyeliner by mistake, you can erase these tiny parts with swab rods, and then continue makeup without removing large areas of makeup and repainting.

8. Tweezers and Uses

Tweezers have two main functions in makeup. First, some women would use tweezers to pick out unwanted eyebrows. It may be very painful but looks good. Second, pointy tweezers are used as a kind of auxiliarymeansto stick false eyelashes because it has a sharp top convenient to pick the end of a false eyelash to stick to your true eyelash. It can help you look clearer to find the correct position.

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9. EyebrowRazors and Scissors

Eyebrow razors are used for trimmingyour eyebrows. You can use this tool to shave unwanted eyebrowsand get a suitable eyebrow shape for yourself, which makes your appearance cleaner and better.

The scissors aredifferentfrom commonly used scissors. The scissors in makeup aremore delicate and exquisite. It can trim overlongeyebrows, which is inconvenient for eyebrow razors to complete. Usually, both of them can be usedtogether to make your eyebrow look better. In addition, the scissors are also used to cut false eyelashesso thattheycan match your eyes.

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10. Packing Accessories and Uses

Packing accessories refer to those tools used for packing formal products, including empty makeup containers, bottles containers palettes. The purposes of packing are as follows. Firstly, formal sizes of most skin-care products are usually large, inconvenient for carrying out. So packing accessories solve this problem well, which helpsreduce space occupancy.

As forcosmeticspacking like eye shadows, powders, it has more benefits. For the reason that most cosmetics are in low consumption, it may be wasteful to buy many types you want. So packing cosmetics rises in response to the proper time and conditions.

If you hesitatein buying makeup for not sure if it is suitable for you or its high price for a formal size, you can choose to buy packing one. Spending less money to get the same thing and effect can improve cost performance.Also, it is convenient for carrying out.

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11. Sharpeners and Uses

This sharpener is not used to sharpen your pens for writing homework! It is used for sharpening eyebrow pencils and lip pencils, which have the same structure as writing pencils. The usage is as same as sharpening a pencil.

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12. Mirrors

The mirror is the most important tool above all. Without mirrors to look at, you won’t know what your face looks like. If you want to start makeup, don’t forget to find a clear mirror!

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The End

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28 Makeup Tools Names and Their Uses (2025)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.