The Reporter from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin (2024)

Peg II 1 Fond du Le Reporter, Friday, fJov. 26, 1976 273 yards Juice9 on loose for record tion, chanting "Juice, Juice, Juice." There was one controversial play In the game. Chandler had caught a Marangi pass at the Lions' 25 and stepped out of bonds in the final play of the first half. It was several seconds before the gun sounded and the Bills protested that they should have another play. But referee Bemle Ulman said the clock ran out.

sun Liom Pint downs 19 .11 Rushes-yards 41007 41-13) Paulng yerde 13 111 Return yards Passes 4-J1-1 l-JO-1 Punli 4-47 a -45 Fumblos-lost 4-2 Penalties-yards l-H 4-41 Detroit 0 10 10 7-27 Dst-D. Hill 11 paw from Landry (Ricardo kick) Dot FO Ricardo 22 Dat-FO Ricardo 35 Dat-D. Hill 14 pau from Landry (HI- "sut-simpion 41 run (Jakowanko kick) Det-Busiey 4 run (Ricardo kick) Bul-Slmpion 12 run (Jakowanko kick) A-eMtt INDIVIDUAL LIADiRS RUSHING Buffalo, Simpson 29-271. Da-trolt, Buliey 27-137, Galnas 18-24. RECSIVtNG-Buttalo, Chandlar Ml.

Datroit, D. Hill 4-74, C. Sandari 4-49. PASSING Buffalo, Marangi 4-21-1, If yardi, Oatrolt, Landry H0-1, 143. wound up kicking a 22-yard field goal after the Lions failed to go in from the four.

Ricardo also kicked a 35-yarder in the third quarter to climax a second-half opening drive that began with Leonard Thompson's 32-yard kickoff return. Later, Lem Barney returned a punt 30 yards and Detroit wound up with a 24-yard Landry to Hill scoring pass. Simpson's first TD came In the closing moments of the third period, with wide receiver Bob Chandler throwing a perfect cross-body block on the final defender, Levi Johnson. A 87-yard, six-play Lions' drive resulted In a four-yard touchdown run by Bussey at 1:24 of the final period. It was set up by a 28-yard run by Landry, his longest in four years.

Final touchdown Simpson's final touchdown came with 3VJ minutes left, ending a 58-yard, 10-play march. Simpson broke the rushing record with an 18-yard run in the series which put htm at 261. The crowd of nearly gave him a standing ova ball long enough I'd Hke the chance (to pass Brown,) It's incentive for me, as for all runners." Despite his great statistics, Simpson said, "Going Into the game I felt I hadn't been able to help the team like I feel I can. I was just not doing the things I'd like to do." Without Simpson, the Bills would have been almost devoid of offense, Buffalo quarterback Gary Marangi did not come close to his pass receivers most of the day, completing only four of 21 pasjei for 29 yards. The game's first score did not come until midway through the second quarter when Landry concluded a 69-yard, 10-play march with a 21-yard touchdown pass to Hill.

Soon afterward, Detroit got the ball back on the Bills' 18 when Keith Moody dropped a punt. Garth Ten Napel recovered and scored an apparent touchdown, but officials ruled the play a "muff" rather than a fumble and the ball could not be advanced. Benny Ricardo In a clasi by himself," Hudspeth added. "No doubt about it O.J. has tremendous acceleration, great balance and a great field of vision.

What makes him especially good is great lateral movement." Detroit linebacker Jim Las-lavlc said: "If he really slams Into you he'e easy to handle-but you can't get him to slam Into you. The man has thousand moves." Buesey said, "I grew up watching O.J. He's an unbelievable back." Somewhat reversed Simpson seemed somewhat reserved about the whole thing. "The purpose of coming in Is to win and not to set a record," he said. "If it occurs, It occurs." Some have theorized that Simpson, who missed training camp and the entire exhbltlon season in a contract dispute, would quit after this season.

But O.J. hinted he would not. "Like everyone else, I'd like to be No. 1. Jimmy Brown set the standard.

If I stay In foot least 1,000, Scored both Buffalo touchdowns, the first on a 48-yard-burst in the closing minutes of the third quarter and the other on a 12-yard run in the final period. "It's something that when your career is over you look back on with fond memories," Simpson Mid of his great game. But the things I'm proudest about were still in college (Southern Cal)." Bill Coach Jim Rlngo called Simpson's performance "fantastic" and said, "I've never seen a halfback run like that. He deserves the record for what he's put Into the game. lit was Simpson the Lions were talking about most, too, although Detroits Dexter Bus-sey had his best day with 137 yards rushing and quarterback' Greg Landry threw a pair of touchdown passes to rookie tight end David Hill.

"He's one hellatious football player," said Lions Coach Tommy Hudspeth. "There's Just one O.J. But I'd take a win over a record any day. LARRY PALAD1NO (AP (port Writer) PONTIAC. Mich.

(AP) The message on the Pontiac Silver dome scoreboard read: "Lions menu: turkey, buffalo and Juice." The Detroit Lions certainly added Buffalo to their Thanksgiving Day menu Thursday, but they couldn't quite handle O.J. "Orange Juice" Simpson. Juice was on the loose as he never had been In his brilliant eight-year National Football League career. But his record-setting performances were not nearly enough and the Lions coastad to a nationally televised 27-14 victory over Simpson and the Buffalo Bills. 8th straight loss It was Buffalo's eighth straight loss.

Here is what Simpson did: Rushed tor 273 yards in 29 carries, breaking his NFL record of 250 yards in one game. Became the league's first player to rush for 200 or more yards five times. Passed the ca- 0. J. SIMPSON reer rushing mark, reaching 9,252.

He is the league's second all-time runner, behind Hall of Famer Jimmy Brown, who gained 12,312 yards. Reached 1,129 yards for the season, marking the fifth consecutive year he has run for at Cofield's team united in crisis Fingers LOS ANGELES (AP) body understands the total situ-l UW Athletic Director Elroy Cofield said the team's reac MADISON, Wis. (AP) Newl ation. These players aren't just Hirsch said UW wouia take no University of Wisconsin basket tion to the incident showed "we have an extremely close-knit unit here." teammates, they're friends," action against uie two uniess ball coach Bill Cofield said Thursday he was gratified by the unitv his team showed in Cofield said. I they were convicted.

"The players held a meeting at practice," Cofield said. "We Reliever Rollie Fingers signed a multi-year contract with the San Diego Padres Thursday, according to his agent, Jerry Kapstein. Kapstein reached agreement with Padres owner Ray Kmc and Buzzie Bavasl, general manager of the club, late Thursday and notified Fingers at his Maws' home at San Jose, Calif. don keep any secrets on this team and I felt the players' reaction to what happened would FbndduLac Reporter be crucial. It could tell a lot about our season.

ports "After tfaey had met, the players came out and told me they were giving full support to (Gaines and Gregory). Every the face of this week's adversity. Two of Cofield's most promising recruits, freshmen Arnold Gaines, 19, of Baltimore, and James Gregory, 20, of Washington, D.C. were charged Wednesday with feloniously entering a dormitory room with flitent to steal. They were freed on $500 per-! iional recognizance bond each and UW officials said they would travel with the team this weekend and play In the Badgers' season opener Saturday at Kentucky.

Also charged was Raymond L. Sydnor, 18, of Baltimore, a freshman tight end tills season Vith the Badger football team. A UW coed alleged that the three were involved in the theft of a clock from her" dormitory room, and with dismantling her $250 stereo system. Zielinski sparkles as laamimiJeiiw miejueww)' Jfpaeaeenaieejsw' 'iiiMMWii iiiii.riiiitMiiiiiiiiiiiii riiirTitiMgtiiiiijariWni mwfff .4. West 71-54 Fondy rips the boards over the taller seven of nine field-goal Soartans.

and he was credited attempts. with five assists. Fond du Lac came up with Rick Zabel. a 6-4 center, its best shooting of the season made his first start, and sank The Cards sank 32 of 56 three of four shots for seven attempts (or a percentage of points and had seven rebounds. .571.

Fond du Lac made 19 i Police said that when the trio was apprehended, Gregory identified himself as Gregory of 33 shots in the first half, and 13 of 23 in the second. James and Sydnor Identified himself as Raymond Shug. Only Gaines used his own West Bend West shot 15 of 31 the first half, but sank only His replacement, Jim Paulos, sank all three shots he attempted, and Du Wayne Balthazor, a senior reserve guard, showed well with six points on some good driving jr if1 JW name, they said. 9 of 30 shots after intermission as Fond du Lac's man-to-man defense took command. West manuevers.

Fond du Lac coach Dave ended up shooting, .393 (24 of Bartolutti, who was upset with 61). John Jansen, a 6-6 junior continuing defensive lapses In By BILL CARY (Reporter Snorts Editor) One of the truisms of life IS that if you have to get In a fight or a basketball game it's wise to pick on someone your own size. Fond du Lac High School's basketball team learned anew the wisdom of that saying Wednesday night when the Cardinals, after getting their noses bloodied by such Fox Valley Association bullies as Oshkosh West and Kimberly, took out their frustrations on West Bend West. The Cardinals, who brought an 0-2 record into the game, dumped the Spartans, 71-54, before a disappointing turnout of less than 1,000 fans in their home opener at Goodrich gymnasium. Senior guard Rick Zielinski, a slick 5-10 operator, was the outstanding player on the court as he scored 14 points, handed out 12 assists and played an outstanding defensive game to lead Fond du Lac to its first victory this season.

Zielinski had plenty of help from the other seniors on the Fond du Lac team. Mike Casper scored the first seven Cardinal jayvees remain unbeaten Fond du Lac High School's Junior varsity team remained unbeaten by rolling over West Bend West, 66-31, for its third straight victory here Wednesday night. a dy Krohn led Terry Thomas' team with 18 points, and Steve Wepner added 11. Dave Baeten dives for loose ball center, led the Spartans with 12 points and eight rebounds. Steve Albrecht had 16 points for West Bend West, which is 1-2 this year.

Dave Baeten (20) dives for a loose ball Wednesday night during UW-Fond du Lac's basketball game against UW-Fox Valley (Me-nasha) at the Centaurs' gym. A large crowd was on hand to watch the Centaurs win their home opener from Fox Valley, 86-87. Much-heralded Mickey Crowe led the winners with 28 points. The Centaurs are 2-0 this season. (Fond du Lac Reporter Photo) the first half, was pleased that his Cardinals allowed only 20 points after intermission.

"The first half was no different than the first six quarters against Oshkosh West and Kimberly," Bartolutti said. "Fundamental breakdowns on defense led to a lot of easy baskets for them. But, we held them to 20 points in Fond du Lac was guilty of 19 turnovers to 12 for the RICK ZIELINSKI losers, Fend du Lac (44) Wait Bend West (31) ft if The Cardinals open their Fox River Valley Conference 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 Schroeder 3 0 3 Nigh 0 1 Mollwltl 1 Kraina 1 2 3 3 1 points for Fond du Lac, made all five shots he attempted and finished with 13 points. Casper's partner at forward, 6-1 Jeff Waller, took scoring honors with 19 points, and APjrecht Crucianl Novak Wepner Krolin Deeth Miller Mueller Larson 0 1 8 2 1 Norton season Tuesday when they host Sheboygan North. North, in its only game thus far, was routed the second half, and that isn't 1 0 0 Schermeeher 1 0 bad defense.

0 0 3 Murray 0 0 2 Mickey works magic; Centaurs post victory 0 2 Salter 0 1 1 'Our success or failure this by Neenah, 83-46, last Friday, 1 0 2Schatla 0 2 0 2 1 2 Mictwelson 1 0 1 2 10 JWolf 1 2 VandeGctitt be determined by West Bend West 154) made nine of 16 shots. Waller vear wi) how well tga igm tra ttm ip pt we play defense," Stou. Ricnmond Marx Wltte 0 0 4 Hoop 3 4 2 0 3 0 Soles 10 2 he continued. "We can't put TomAibrecht Klinger man was me game a luaumg rebounder with 12 as Fond du 20 Totals 9 13 15 Totali Score Bv Quarters ourselves so iar in ine noie stppach Fend du Lac 13 19 1444 that up ran't Hio nurcplvoe nut Gondrun le 2 ie 3 10 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 i 1 13 7 2 2 5 4 1OO0O 4 2 2 1 5 14 0 IS on Lac earned a 39-23 edge ne Demi nesr 7. 7 Acfcley flttv nffenca is tnoM MJa'xia Murt.

wu i ii ,0 liii got guys who can score. But, jinsen we've got to close off the other Totals 41 24 II 14 10 team." Fond du Lac (71) tga fm tta ttm tp 4 I 3 4 Fond du Lac took a 40-34 lead at halftime, and was m'IV ahead, 52-42, after three quar- 1 Potent Cadet frontline too much for Ledgers lers. ine caras wen puuea Lindrom Br.zlll Waller 5 I 7 14 6 0 0 3 4 away to win by 17 points. Zielinski, who was Beimazor 11 Wnhh seventh man on last year's Jryon team, did everything for Fond zaie? was just a ripple above the But the deficit was too much du Lac. He directed the offense By TOM KOHL (Assistant Sports Editor) A prolific scoring frontline of Green Bay Premontre was Cadets' torrid 58 per cent team to make up.

"We just fell too marksmanship (29 of 50). far behind. I was encouraged 7 71 14 Totals 54 32 Score bv Quarters superbly, as his 12 assists On a night when they hit by the way we came back, 7: -i I -7 aticai. aiau aeiun Fend da Lac 17 21 12 1971 more than a rusty St. Marys only a paltry 32.4 per cent We didn't die out there," Loest Springs basketball team could of their shots (24' of 74)f the said.

in it," Knar admitted. Knar made some more defensive adjustments and the Centaurs pulled back into the lead. "We went into our four-corner stall the final two minutes," Knar revealed. Big Bill Nehls hit only seven of 18 shots, but pulled down 18 rebounds to lead the Centaurs to a 54-41 advantage on the boards. Fond du Lac made 39 of 90 shots, 43.3 per cent, and 18 of 31 free throws.

The loss was the first in three games for Fox Valley, which was led by Rob Kettleson with 31 points. Fond du Lac travels to Waukesha Tech Tuesday night for a 7:30 p.m. nonconference game. The Centaurs are home next Wednesday night for another Wisconsin Collegiate Conference Northern Division game against UW-Marathon County (Wausau). UW-Fond du Lac (94) Nehls 7-3-4, Baeten 4-0-5, Crowe 13-2-4, Immel 5-5-3, Stepbany 9-6-2, Tasch 1-0-0, SpringborA 0-0-1, Brandt 0-0-0, Bublitz 0-H.

Totals: FG-; FT 18; 1. FTM-03. UW-Fox Valley (17) TerdlH 7-8-4, Young 3-0-2, Chrlstensen 2-0-4, Cops 3-0-4, Rasmussen 5-0-5, Mor-genson 4-u-l, Kettleson 15-1-1, Jensen OO-l. Totals: FG 39; FT 22. FTM 10.

Score By Halve Fond du Lac 49 4794 handle in its season opener i rf hadlv Jeff Richter, who contributed four baskets to the Ledgers' Wednesday night at a was Ledgers gym. unfortunate that we had to The Premontre enforcers up meet team of premontre's fourth-quarter fireworks, led the Ledgers with 18 points, Cowboy deception helps beat Cards while another veteran, Gerard irum, uicg luiouav. caliber in our first game," Bittner and 6-3 Mark Loest said. "I'm sure we would MICKEY CROWE Berenz, scored 14 points. Richter made seven of 15 shots and Berenz hit only four of 14 shots.

"We want Berenz DALLAS (AP) A 43-yard Mickey Crowe, basketball's Pied Piper, worked i customary magic Wednesday night as he lured a large crowd to UW-Fond du Lac's gym. Neither Crowe nor the Centaurs disappointed the fans as they recorded a 96-87 victory over UW-Fox Valley (Menasha) in their home opener. It was the Centaurs second straight win. Crowe, who was coming off a one-game suspension because of disciplinary reasons, made his debut with the Centaurs a good one. The 6-5 former all-stater led the Centaurs with 28 points.

He hit 13 of 29 shots, a .448 percentage, and added two free throws. Crowe's adept passing earned him five assists, several of the spectacular variety. "Mickey played well for us. He had some problems on defense when we went to a man-to-man, but I hid him on a small guard who wasn't scoring in the half," Centaur coach Dick Knar said today. If Crowe attracted the most attention, unheralded Mark Stephany, a 5-10 freshman from Fond du Lac, came up with the most solid overall game.

"How can I forget Stephany. He was the difference in the first half when we were having some trouble with Fox Valley," Knar said. "He was getting those three-point plays for us." Stephany wound up with 2 8 points, scoring 18 in the first half. He also belied his size by grabbing seven rebounds six off the offensive board. passes, blocked a punt tor a have done better with a previous game under our belts." Because of their involvement in the WISAA football playoffs, safety and sacked Hart for the to get more shots because he's pass off a fake punt from Danny White to Benny Barnes set first time since 1974.

our best shooter," Loest said. But it was a daring gamble up a vital second quarter touch' The Ledgers face another down and the Dallas Cowboys by Dallas late in the second the Ledgers had their first two games against Winnebago man-to-man pressure," Knar noted. Fond du Lac overcame its slow start to pull ahead by 12 points at halftime, 49-37. But surprising Fox Valley battled back to a 68-68 tie with 11:27 to go. "I made a mistake and went back to a matchup zone.

They (Fox Valley) killed us again stiff challenge Saturday night, all but clinched a National Con quarter that paid the biggest Lutheran Ar.ademv and Fo iney travel to Van Dyke Gym ference Eastern Division title dividend. Weigman, combined to score 57 points in leading the Cadets to an easy 75-64 victory over Springs. Knafelc, the Fox Valley Christian Conference scoring champion and Player of the Year last season, led the way with 23 points, while the less heralded Bittner and Weigman both scored 17 points. That Knafelc scored 23 points came as no surprise to Springs coach Ken Loest. "You have to concede him his points because he's such an outstanding player," Loest said Valley Lutheran rescheduled always a difficult place to.

play where they'll meet De with a 19-14 victory over St Loui Thanksgiving Day. Fere Abbot Pennings in Cowboys Coach Tom Landry devised an exotic ambush a pass from his own 28-yard line on fourth down with only 43 FVCC game. Radio Stations The Dallas victory was not secured until the final eight rox vaney 17 for later this season. Two Cadet Splurges at the start of the second and third quarters left the Ledgers wobbly. Premontre, which is KFIZ and WFON will broad seconds when Jim Hart over seconds left in the half and the cast the 8 p.m.

game live. Premontre (75) threw tight end J. V. Cain on score tied 7-7. Vikes stomp Stockbridge off to a 2-0 start in defense tga tgm tra rtm ip fourth down from the Cowboys Cards Cowboys 5 23 of its FVCC crown, made five weigman eight-yard line.

1 17 STOCKBRIDGE Winless rebounding honors with team of -six shots to start the second Hart drove the Cardinals to of Knafelc. 17 0 2 First downs Rushes-yards Passing yards Return yards Passes Punts Fumntes-lost Penalties-yards 74 16 11-114 41-19 249 124 57 43 20-44-J 11-22-2 5-40 5-34 3-0 1-1 5-59 9-54 JJjthe 13-yard line where St. Louis But the scoring of weigman quarter ana its nrsi nve snois and Bittner came as a surprise to lead off the third quarter. pnn iinaa iour cnances at uie uauas i end zone. With no timeouts re- St.

Louis 0 7 0 714 to Loest. "They were really murder on us, especially that Weigman. He couldn't miss for maining, Hart threw an in- Delias 7 7 0 519 oicemoletion. hit Terrv Mectalf Dal Laidlaw 2 pass from Staubach Loacn Koy smus ream roae the second-quarter barrage to a 14-point halftime lead, 40-26, and they expanded this Hermans advantage to 22 points, 54-32, Totals midway through the third 1 1 1 1 Jfor five yards and then threw another completion with 13 sec (Herrera kick) StL S. Jones 5 run (Bektcen kick) Del Staubach 4 run (Herrera kick) Dal FG Herrera 42 Dal Safety (Henderson blocked punt) awhile," Loest exclaimed.

Knafelc connected on nine of 14 shots; Weigman made seven of his first 10 shots and settled for eight of 14; and Bittner ig.umHettm tp pt onds to play. Then came the Stockbridge put up only token resistance here Wednesday night as unbeaten Winnebago Lutheran Academy stormed to its third straight win, a 61-39 decision. The Vikings owned a whopping 34-point lead, 55-21, midway through the third quarter. Coach Paul Knueppel made ample use of his bench the remainder of the way. Lee Purchatzke led the Vikings in the Bay-Lakes Conference opener with 16 points and he shared mate Brian Petrie with Although the reserves struggled to a six-point four quarter, the Vikings hit a respectable 39 per cent of their shots (27 of 69).

WLA (41) Janke o-O-l, Gurget 3-1-2, mr 2-M, Moll 0-0-1, Hillrtwn 2-2-2. Purchatzke 7-4-0, Koepke 0-O-2, Petrie 5-5-1, Schroeder 50, Jackson J-O-2, Tesch 00-1. Totals: FG 27; FT 12. Fouled out none. FTAA-5.

Stockbridge (39) Meyers 2-0-2, Reffke 0-0-2, Young 51, Klo-hn 3-3-3, Nushert 53, Thief 02, Goeser 1-2, Wlckersheim 10. Totals: FTif FT 5i F0UM By Quarters WLA 14 21 II 4-41 Stockbndg 9 4 ieie quarter. StL Gray 19 pass from Hart (Bakken Senecal S.rW To the Ledgers' credit, they Sheridan kick; INniVinilAt IFADFRS 1' i 4 I J'clinactic overthrow of Cain on 5 2 i 4 which the Cardinals claimed is I I 4 is there was interference. 4 0 0 (joi Cowbovs are now 10-2 in sank four of eight shots and oajtn xuui isi diit. BHuu oiiu didn told and cut the Cadet Jrh, uiuii 1 iuiu auu iui uie i.auci Richter RUSHING St.

Louis. Otis B-24. S. Jones added nine, of 10 free throw margin to eight points, 70-62, wn'mjt 8-39. Dallas, Staubach 7-54, P.

Pearson, attempts. with 25 seconds left in the wetkins oithe division witn tne tarainais 15-41. RECEIVING St. Louis, Harris 4-113, Fay 4-19. Dallas.

DuPree 1-44, D. Peer. The Centaurs, who opened in a matchup zone, had trouble containing Fox Valley at first. "They were shooting too many layups on us so I went to Totals sen. 3-28.

Laidlaw XI. 74 14 21 14 4 22 Premontre's terrific trio fourth quarter, Reserve Jim wound up hitting 21 of 36 shots, Weninger made a three-point blazing 58.3 per cent, which play to cap the surge. SI. LOUIS, tltniMH, 23 8-4 and the Washington Redskins 7-4. Dallas Intercepted two yards.

Dalles, staubach 10-21-2, 13; score py Quarters 14 14 14 If 71 11 II II 17-44 Premontre Springs WMtt, l-l-O, hdBRbeW4ieh4Sk.JhMBjMrfBRn4 at.a.efca en.

The Reporter from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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