Volcanic Eruption - Chapter 1 - Brilliant_Flash (2024)

Chapter Text

A five year old Naruto was walking into a Shinobi accessory/book store, he hadn’t been in this one before. He was under a Henge, or transformation as it was also known as, Hiruzen had taught this to him so that he could go into stores without being overcharged or kicked out. As of the last 6 months not many people had seen Naruto. This was because he always wore a henge when he left his apartment.

“Hello sir,” Naruto said to the man behind the counter. “I was wondering if I could get a pack of chakra paper, a book on elemental manipulation, a book on chakra control, and a book on elemental kekkei genkai.”

“Will do kiddo” the man said, putting on a warm smile. The man walked around the store for a few minutes gathering everything. “Oh and by the way, kiddo, I can see through you, henge. Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone, I have nothing against you. Hey if you come here often enough, I give you a discount. Ohh and by the way call me Raitetso”

“Thank you sir”, Naruto’s face lit up showing genuine emotion.

Naruto paid for the items and went back home. It was around lunchtime, so he started boiling water for Ramen. Naruto really liked ramen but he didn’t eat it every single day. He had it for lunch or dinner, 3 or 4 times a week. When it was done he ate it quickly and then sat on the couch. He opened the pack of chakra papers and grabbed one of them.

“Ok here goes.” Naruto said, forcing chakra into the paper. Hiruzen had taught Naruto how to access chakra when he got this apartment.

Flashback- about 1 year ago

Naruto was in a training field with Hiruzen. He had taken the day off because he had managed to get all of his paperwork done somehow.

“Ok Naruto I want you to calm yourself and try to feel your chakra. Naruto closed his eyes and after a few minutes he found himself in what looked like an underground cave system.

There was a tunnel straight ahead, Naruto walked all the way to the end it opened into a massive cavern. He then noticed two things, to his right there was this huge cage built into the side of the cavern. There was a massive sleeping fox inside. To his left was a huge, royal purple lake he almost couldn't see the end. There was a film of what looked like ice on top.

“So that explains the seal on my stomach.” Naruto said

“So my host has finally decided to come visit me” Kurama growled, cracking one eye open.

“Don’t get used to it” Naruto said “I didn’t come here for you.” Naruto noticed there was a red liquid pouring out of the cage and into the lake. At certain times it would surge and then die down. It wasn’t much but it was enough to cause visible waves underneath the ice on the lake. Naruto imagines a new large sized pond to the right of the preexisting lake and directly in front. Of the cage he then imagined a one foot tall gate in front of the purple lake in the path of the red liquid. The gate was partially open allowing a fixed amount of the red liquid into the purple lake. The rest of it was directed into the empty pond where it began collecting. Naruto then walked to the edge of the purple lake and punched the ice film on top of it. The first punch resulted in a few cracks, the second resulted in the cracks getting larger the third shattered the ice film.

All over the lake the ice film broke into shards and sunk beneath the surface of the lake. Naruto then left not looking at the fox. When he came back to reality, he reached for his chakra and found he could access it now. He tried to draw as much as he could and this resulted in him being surrounded by a purple shroud that was cracking the ground he was standing on top of.

After that Naruto had brought up the fox to Hiruzen and he had explained it to Naruto. Naruto had just said it was to protect the village and moved on.

Flashback end-

The top ⅓ section of the paper card burst into flames before turning into ash.

“Strong fire affinity” Naruto thought. The other ⅔s of the card hardened and turned to obsidian. “Strong earth affinity” Naruto thought. Then the bottom third of the obsidian sheet. Turned into lava, but disappeared before it hit the ground.

“L-Lava release” Naruto said, before turning to the book and reading the entire thing.

6 months later-

Naruto had finished the earth manipulation, which involved hardening a leaf, and fire manipulation which involved burning a leaf. Naruto had mastered them to a level where he could burn words onto the leaf and harden different parts of it. With his lava release Naruto had read that there was different forms of lava. Molten rock, acidic mud, corrosive quicklime, and Rubber. Naruto started with rubber because he wanted to start with the most simple and safe aspect of lava release. So far he had managed to create a jutsu that he called Yoton: bungee cord. It was basically a purple elastic bungee cord that he could attach to almost any substance. It was extremely durable and stretchy. He had also learned the hiding like Doton: a mole technique and created the Katon: firecracker. Where the user spit a ton of ping pong ball sized fire balls that explode. Naruto managed to shave down the number of hands sign to use this jutsu to only the horse hand sign.

Naruto had also started to do physical conditioning and wearing weights. The weights weren’t very heavy, but they still made working out harder.

1 and half years later-

Naruto was 7 years old. He had started working on and learning his taijutsu style. It was called the targeting fist, because it used speed and intelligence to find weak spots on the opponent and then target them. He had also managed to be able to use the Yoton: bungee cord from any part of his body and be able to hide it with the transparent escape jutsu. Naruto also created Katon: Great Fire Fang, which basically created a wolf-like set of jaws around the user's head. Katon: Smoke cloud, the user spits out a stream of smoke that can be used to clear a building or create a cover. Yoton: Dragon tears, which allowed the user to spit a large ball of molten rock into the air. After a couple of seconds it would break and rain down molten lava.

Time skip, 1 year, 6 months later-

“Ok class, off you know any jutsu” Iruka said.

Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru and Shino raised their hands. The entire class went outside to the practice range. Shino started off making a bug clone. Shikamru went next and used shadow paralysis on iruka. Sasuke went third and showed great fireball. When he was done he turned to Naruto in front of everybody and said “beat that dobe.”

Naruto didn’t say anything and just walked up to the field. He then flashed through 17 hand seals ending with the horse hand sign. Naruto then Shouted out “Yoton: Dragon tears” and then spat out a ball of molten rock. It flew about 60 feet into the air and directly over the training dummy. It then burst and came down as lava rain. All of the dummies were destroyed. Everyone was shocked at the display of power he put on.

“Dobe, I demand you teach that to me, You shouldn’t have that power I should.” Sasuke said as Naruto walked back to the crowd.

“No can do King emo” Naruto replied, getting a few snickers from the boys in the group and some glares from Sasuke’s fan club.

“You have to have the Yoton bloodline…” Naruto paused for a few seconds, before adding “which you don’t.”

Time skip 3 years-

Naruto was in one of the training fields after school had ended. He came here regularly. He was working on adding more to the targeting fist. He then noticed a 4 man cell approach him, but he ignored them.

“Hey, who are you and why are you in our training field, blondie” a girl with hair buns said.

“Well, maybe because I have been training here for 6 years... Panda” Naruto said, adding the last part as payback for calling him blondie.

The girl apparently hated the Panda comment, since she rushed forward and tried to punch him with a pair of brass knuckles. Naruto saw this out of the corner of his eye and looked up studying her for a few seconds before she reached striking range. Naruto was insanely good at reading people and he kept this skill sharp by including it into his taijutsu style. If he had longer he probably could have found other weak spots, but he went with the first one he noticed.

The arm this girl was striking with had sustained a recent injury. It had healed but she wasn’t fully used to using that arm again. As she got closer Naruto simply leaned forward and to the side dodging her punch. Then putting his forward momentum into a punch he nailed her in the shoulder dislocating it with an audible ‘pop’ and sending her back a few feet.

“You should be careful as to who you try to fight,” Naruto said, walking up to her. She looked up at him her teeth bared. He knelt down and pooped her arm back into place.

“Name’s Naruto Uzumaki and you might be?” Naruto asked.

It was the boy with the huge eyebrow that responded. “That is my youthful teammate Tenten, his name” Lee said pointing to a boy with the Byakugan “Is Neji Hyuga, my name is Rock Lee the second Beautiful green best of Konoha. He is my teacher. Might guy the first beautiful green beast of konoha.”

“Ok, you guys seem like you want to use this training field alone so I’ll leave.” Naruto said as he started to walk off.

“Wait, I would like to have a sparring match with you.” Lee said

“Alright, I am guessing it is strictly taijutsu?” Naruto asked.

“No, you can use whatever you have at your disposal. But I will only be using taijutsu, because I cannot use Nin or genjutsu.” Lee said as he got into the Goken style.

“The Goken style, interesting” Naruto thought. “ I know the perfect counter.”

Lee then disappeared and reappeared right behind Naruto aiming a roundhouse kick at Naruto head. Naruto simply grabbed Lee’s leg without looking and pulled him in front of him. As Lee was flying Naruto chopped him in the front causing him to collapse.

As Lee was getting closer Naruto kicked him in the stomach causing him to fly up to eye level. Naruto then launched a chakra enhanced left haymaker to Lee’s solar plexus. Lee rocketed backwards and landed on his back. He tried to get up but fell back down again.

“I wouldn’t try to get up again, I hit a pressure point. While those will wear off I added chakra so the effect will last longer. I am going to go now, and I expect you will be training harder to give me a challenge the next time we meet. If you want to find me I will be in training ground 37.” Naruto said as he started to leave.

“That move you used on Lee, it looks like the Hyuuga’s gentle fist style.” Neji said, staring accusingly at Naruto.

Naruto sighed before speaking “If you think me incorporating targeting pressure points of the body stealing the gentle fist style, I can assure its not. The targeting fist style was designed by me to target and exploit all weaknesses. That includes: one- holes in a taijutsu stance, two- counters to a specific move, and three- hitting weak spots on the body, be that past injuries or pressure points.”

“Hmm” Neji said.

“As much as I want to smash that arrogant face of yours into the dirt. I respect the strength that you have. It is evident in the way you carry yourself. So I think it would be in both our best interest to not fight. As it is now we are the same in terms of strength. So unless you are dying to prove that you are stronger than me, the reserve could happen. So we will have our fight later but not anytime in the very close future.

Neji just nodded as Naruto walked away.

One year later-

Naruto was sitting in class there, while Irua was calling out names.


Mizuki had approached Naruto after Naruto had passed the genin test. He told Naruto to steal the Scroll of Sealing and take it to a really decrepit house outside of Konoha. Before Naruto had done this he had, in an excruciating amount of detail, informed Hiruzen about the situation.

Iruka had arrived and Mizuki had injured him, proceeded to tell Naruto about the fox which he already knew about and then tell them his whole plan which naruto had recorded and given to Hiruzen. Naruto wasn’t originally going to kill Mizuki, but when he broke Lord Third's law, punishable by death, all bets were thrown off. On top of that he had been an overall scum bag to Naruto and was a traitor.

So Naruto had used his newest jutsu, Yoton: Lava dragon heads. It was his first attempt at making a dragon elemental jutsu and simply shot between six to twelve lava blobs in the shape of a dragon’s head. The jutsu hadn’t really worked as intended, but regardless Mizuki had died instantaneously. after Naruto was down there had been nothing left but a gleaming white skeleton. Naruto had then helped Iruka back to the village. Naruto had gotten a B-rank on his record and pay for a B-rank mission

End flashback-

Iruka was still calling out names “team 7 will be…”

Volcanic Eruption - Chapter 1 - Brilliant_Flash (2024)


What is volcanic eruption answers? ›

A volcanic eruption is when gas and/or lava are released from a volcano—sometimes explosively. Volcanoes provide a number of environmental benefits, for example: fertile soils, hydrothermal energy, and precious minerals.

What is the volcano question answer? ›

A volcano is an opening in the earth's crust through which lava, volcanic ash, and gases escape. Beneath a volcano, liquid magma containing dissolved gases rises through cracks in the Earth's crust. As the magma rises, pressure decreases, allowing the gases to form bubbles.

What is the answer to an erupting volcano throws out? ›

As a volcano erupts, it spills lava that flows downslope. Hot ash and gases are thrown into the air.

What is volcano in 100 words? ›

A volcano is a mountain that has lava (hot, liquid rock) coming out from a magma chamber under the ground, or did have in the past. Volcanoes are formed by the movement of tectonic plates. The Earth's crust has 17 major, rigid tectonic plates. These float on a hotter, softer layer in its mantle.

What is a volcano short answer? ›

A volcano is an opening on the surface of a planet or moon that allows material warmer than its surroundings to escape from its interior. When this material escapes, it causes an eruption. An eruption can be explosive, sending material high into the sky. Or it can be calmer, with gentle flows of material.

Why do volcanoes erupt short answer questions? ›

Deep within the Earth it is so hot that some rocks slowly melt and become a thick flowing substance called magma. Since it is lighter than the solid rock around it, magma rises and collects in magma chambers. Eventually, some of the magma pushes through vents and fissures to the Earth's surface.

What volcano is eruption? ›

List of the 45 volcanoes with continuing eruptions as of 16 August 2024
VolcanoCountryLast Known Activity
BaganaPapua New Guinea2024 Aug 9 (continuing)
SheveluchRussia2024 Aug 16 (continuing)
ErebusAntarctica2024 Aug 16 (continuing)
42 more rows

How does a volcano form answer? ›

Volcanoes are formed when the earth's plates move together or apart, causing magma to come up to the earth's surface. When magma reaches the surface, it's called lava. Different mixtures of lava help to create different types of volcanoes, including composite volcanoes, cinder cone volcanoes, and shield volcanoes.

What are the 4 types of volcanoes? ›

Geologists generally group volcanoes into four main kinds--cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and lava domes.

What is the response to volcano eruption? ›

During a volcanic eruption

Be prepared to evacuate, and do so immediately if necessary (See Disaster Preparedness Series: Family Evacuation Plan). Avoid areas downwind and river valleys downstream from the volcano. Close all windows and doors, and bring any pets or livestock into closed shelters.

What comes out in a volcanic eruption? ›

A volcanic eruption is the expulsion of gases, rock fragments, and/or molten lava from within the Earth through a vent onto the Earth's surface or into the atmosphere. Illustration of the basic process of magma formation, movement to the surface, and eruption through a volcanic vent.

What does a volcano spit out? ›

The 'smoke' you see billowing out of a volcano is actually a mix of mostly water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur gases (and ash, during an eruption and depending on the volcano).

What is volcano in 300 words? ›

A volcano is an opening in the earth's crust through which lava, volcanic ash, and gases escape. Volcanic eruptions are partly driven by pressure from dissolved gas, much as escaping gases force the cork out of a bottle of champagne.

What is volcano eruption in simple words? ›

A volcanic eruption is the expulsion of gases, rock fragments, and/or molten lava from within the Earth through a vent onto the Earth's surface or into the atmosphere. Illustration of the basic process of magma formation, movement to the surface, and eruption through a volcanic vent.

What are the three main causes of volcanic eruptions? ›

The three main causes of volcanic eruptions are:
  • The buoyancy of the magma.
  • Pressure from the exsolved gases in the magma.
  • Increase in pressure on the chamber lid.

What causes a volcano to erupt for kids? ›

Volcanic eruptions happen when gas bubbles inside magma, or hot liquid rock, expand and cause pressure to build up. This pressure pushes on weak spots in the earth's surface, or crust, causing magma to exit the volcano.

What disaster is volcanic eruption? ›

Volcanic eruptions may be subtle or explosive and can produce dangerous lava flows, poisonous gases, and flying rocks and ash. Many volcanic eruptions are also accompanied by other natural hazards, such as earthquakes, landslides, debris flows, flash floods, fires and tsunamis.


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.